Agrimony Agrimonia
eupatoria |
4.047 Stigmella
37.027 Coleophora potentillae
Alder Alnus
spp |
4.008 Stigmella glutinosae
4.009 Stigmella alnetella
6.004 Heliozela resplendella
15.066 Phyllonorycter strigulatella
15.067 Phyllonorycter rajella
15.079 Phyllonorycter stettinensis
15.080 Phyllonorycter froelichiella
15.082 Phyllonorycter
37.015 Coleophora serratella
37.030 Coleophora binderella
Apple Malus
spp |
4.013 Stigmella malella
4.026 Stigmella oxyacanthella
4.053 Stigmella incognitella
4.071 Bohemannia pulverosella
15.022 Callisto
15.053 Phyllonorycter
15.046 Phyllonorycter blancardella
15.047 Phyllonorycter hostis
15.052 Phyllonorycter corylifoliella
21.008 Leucoptera
Aspen Populus
tremula |
4.040 Stigmella assimilella
4.085 Ectoedemia argyropeza
15.010 Caloptilia stigmatella
Azalea Azalea
spp |
15.007 Caloptilia azaleella
Beech Fagus
sylvatica |
4.010 Stigmella microtheriella
4.034 Stigmella tityrella
4.055 Stigmella hemargyrella
15.026 Parornix fagivora
15.040 Phyllonorycter messaniella
15.063 Phyllonorycter maestingella
Bindweed Convolvulus
spp |
24.001 Bedellia
Birch Betula
pendula |
2.003 Eriocrania unimaculella
2.004 Eriocrania sparrmannella
2.005 Eriocrania salopiella
2.006 Eriocrania cicatricella
2.007 Eriocrania semipurpurella
2.008 Eriocrania sangii
4.002 Stigmella lapponica
4.005 Stigmella betulicola
4.006 Stigmella sakhalinella
4.007 Stigmella luteella
4.044 Stigmella continuella
4.099 Ectoedemia occultella
4.100 Ectoedemia minimella
6.005 Heliozela
8.001 Incurvaria pectinea
14.013 Bucculatrix demaryella
15.025 Parornix betulae
15.075 Phyllonorycter
16.015 Swammerdamia caesiella
21.001 Lyonetia clerkella
37.009 Coleophora milvipennis
37.015 Coleophora serratella
37.053 Coleophora
Bird's-foot Trefoil Lotus
corniculatus |
37.044 Coleophora discordella
Bittersweet Solanum
dulcamara |
19.014 Acrolepia autumnitella
Blackthorn Prunus
spinosa |
4.042 Stigmella plagicolella
15.032 Parornix finitimella
15.049 Phyllonorycter spinicolella
37.014 Coleophora coracipennella
37.049 Coleophora
Buxus sempervirens |
63.054 Cydalima
Bramble Rubus
fruticosus |
4.045 Stigmella aurella
4.047 Stigmella
4.097 Ectoedemia rubivora
10.003 Coptotriche marginea
37.026 Coleophora violacea
Broom Cytisus
scoparius |
4.068 Trifurcula immundella
15.061 Phyllonorycter scopariella
21.005 Leucoptera
Buckthorn Rhamnus
catharticus |
4.014 Stigmella catharticella
Cherry Prunus
spp |
15.050 Phyllonorycter cerasicolella
Deadly Nightshade Atropa
belladonna |
19.014 Acrolepia autumnitella
Cornus sanguinea |
6.001 Antispila metallella
6.002 Antispila petryi
Elm Ulmus
spp |
4.018 Stigmella ulmivora
4.019 Stigmella viscerella
4.043 Stigmella lemniscella
14.007 Bucculatrix albedinella
15.074 Phyllonorycter
15.078 Phyllonorycter tristrigella
37.011 Coleophora badiipennella
37.012 Coleophora
37.015 Coleophora serratella
Enchanter's Nightshade Circaea
lutetiana |
40.011 Mompha langiella
40.014 Mompha terminella
Ferns Various
spp |
12.047 Psychoides
12.048 Psychoides filicivora
Field Maple Acer
campestre |
4.012 Stigmella aceris
4.075 Etainia louisella
15.012 Caloptilia semifascia
15.084 Phyllonorycter acerifoliella
Firethorn Pyracantha
spp |
15.053 Phyllonorycter
Fleabane Pulicaria
dysentrica |
37.098 Coleophora inulae
Goosefoot Atriplex
spp |
37.083 Coleophora saxicolella
35.035 Chrysoesthia drurella
35.036 Chrysoesthia sexguttella
Gorse Ulex
europaeus |
15.060 Phyllonorycter ulicicollella
37.063 Coleophora albicosta
Grasses and Sedges Various
spp |
37.071 Coleophora glaucicolella
37.073 Coleophora alticolella
38.017 Elachista adscitella
Ground Ivy Glechoma
hederacea |
37.032 Coleophora
Hawthorn Crataegus
spp |
4.023 Stigmella crataegella
4.026 Stigmella oxyacanthella
4.030 Stigmella hybnerella
4.054 Stigmella perpygmaeella
4.095 Ectoedemia atricollis
14.012 Bucculatrix bechsteinella
15.028 Parornix anglicella
15.043 Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae
15.052 Phyllonorycter corylifoliella
21.008 Leucoptera
37.016 Coleophora spinella
37.039 Coleophora hemerobiella
Hazel Corylus
spp |
4.010 Stigmella microtheriella
4.032 Stigmella floslactella
4.100 Ectoedemia minimella
12.021 Nemapogon clematella |
15.029 Parornix devoniella
15.064 Phyllonorycter coryli
15.081 Phyllonorycter nicellii
Heather Calluna
vulgaris |
37.028 Coleophora
37.055 Coleophora
Hedge Woundwort Stachys
sylvatica |
37.038 Coleophora lineolea
Lonicera periclymenum |
15.076 Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella
15.083 Phyllonorycter trifasciella
Humulus lupulus |
34.005 Cosmopterix zieglerella
Carpinus betulus |
4.010 Stigmella microtheriella
4.032 Stigmella floslactella
15.037 Phyllonorycter tenerella
15.065 Phyllonorycter esperella
Horse Chestnut Aesculum
hippocastanum |
15.089 Cameraria ohridella
Knapweed Centaurea
spp |
37.106 Coleophora paripennella
Laburnum anagyroides |
21.004 Leucoptera laburnella
Lamb's ear Stachys
byzantina |
37.038 Coleophora lineolea
Larch Larix
decidua |
37.066 Coleophora laricella
62.028 Dioryctria abietella
Syringa vulgaris |
15.014 Gracilaria syringella
Lime Tilia
spp |
4.004 Stigmella tiliae
14.009 Bucculatrix thoracella
Meadowsweet Filipendula
ulmaria |
37.026 Coleophora violacea
Mountain Ash (Rowan) Sorbus
aucuparia |
4.026 Stigmella oxyacanthella
4.024 Stigmella magdalenae
4.041 Stigmella sorbi
4.025 Stigmella nylandriella
15.044 Phyllonorycter
21.001 Lyonetia clerkella
21.008 Leucoptera
Mugwort Artemisia
vulgaris |
37.090 Coleophora
Norway Maple Acer
platanoides |
4.012 Stigmella aceris
4.074 Ectoedemia sericopeza
15.085 Phyllonorycter joannisi
Oaks (deciduous) Quercus
spp |
2.001 Dyseriocrania subpurpurella
4.058 Stigmella basiguttella
4.059 Stigmella svenssoni
4.060 Stigmella ruficapitella
4.061 Stigmella atricapitella
4.062 Stigmella samiatella
4.063 Stigmella roborella
4.089 Ectoedemia albifasciella
4.090 Ectoedemia subbimaculella
4.091 Ectoedemia heringi
6.003 Heliozela
10.001 Tischeria ekebladella
14.010 Bucculatrix ulmella
15.008 Caloptilia alchimiella
15.009 Caloptilia robustella
15.019 Acrocercops
15.034 Phyllonorycter harrisella
15.035 Phyllonorycter roboris
15.036 Phyllonorycter heegeriella
15.039 Phyllonorycter quercifoliella
15.040 Phyllonorycter messaniella
15.042 Phyllonorycter muelleriella
15.073 Phyllonorycter lautella
37.005 Coleophora lutipennella
37.052 Coleophora ibipennella
49.279 Gypsonoma dealbana
Oaks (evergreen) Quercus
ilex etc |
4.057 Stigmella suberivora
4.088 Ectoedemia heringella
15.019 Acrocercops
15.040 Phyllonorycter messaniella
Orange and Lemon
spp |
15.0931 Phyllocnistis citrella
Pine Pinus
spp |
16.023 Ocnerostoma piniariella
16.024 Ocnerostoma friesei
35.159 Exoteleia
Plane Platanus
x hispanica |
15.041 Phyllonorycter platani
Plantain Plantago
spp |
15.015 Aspilapteryx
Poplar Populus
spp |
4.039 Stigmella trimaculella
4.084 Ectoedemia turbidella
15.087 Phyllonorycter
15.092 Phyllocnistis unipunctella
49.280 Gypsonoma oppressana
Privet Ligustrum
vulgare |
15.014 Gracilaria syringella
Rhododendron Rhododendron
spp |
15.007 Caloptilia azaleella
Rock Rose Helianthemum
nummularium |
40.012 Mompha miscella
Rose Rosa
spp |
4.015 Stigmella anomalella
4.017 Stigmella centifoliella
4.094 Ectoedemia angulifasciella
37.006 Coleophora
Rush Juncus
spp |
37.071 Coleophora glaucicolella
37.073 Coleophora alticolella
Sallows and Willows Salix
spp |
4.035 Stigmella salicis
4.038 Stigmella obliquella
4.082 Ectoedemia intimella
15.010 Caloptilia stigmatella
15.054 Phyllonorycter viminella
15.055 Phyllonorycter viminetorum
15.056 Phyllonorycter salicicolella
15.057 Phyllonorycter dubitella
15.0862 Phyllonorycter pastorella
15.090 Phyllocnistis saligna
37.022 Coleophora
49.279 Gypsonoma dealbana
Snowberry Symphoricarpos
albus |
15.076 Phyllonorycter
Sorrel Rumex
acetosae |
4.001 Enteucha
St John's Wort Hypericum
spp |
4.078 Fomoria septembrella
15.016 Euspilapteryx auroguttella
Sweet Chestnut Castanea
sative |
4.062 Stigmella samiatella
10.001 Tischeria ekebladella
15.040 Phyllonorycter messaniella
Sycamore Acer
pseudoplatanus |
4.056 Stigmella speciosa
15.006 Caloptilia
15.086 Phyllonorycter geniculella
Thistle Cirsium
spp |
35.109 Scrobipalpa acuminatella
37.093 Coleophora peribenanderi
Vetches Vicia and
Lathyrus spp |
49.214 Ancylis badiana
Viburnum Viburnum
spp |
15.051 Phyllonorycter lantanella
Whitebeam Sorbus
aria |
15.030 Parornix scoticella
15.053 Phyllonorycter
Willowherb Epilobium
spp |
40.009 Mompha
40.015 Mompha raschkiella
Wood Avens Geum
urbanum |
4.045 Stigmella aurella
4.047 Stigmella
Yarrow Achillea
millefolium |
14.001 Bucculatrix cristatella
37.102 Coleophora argentula
Yellow Melliot
Melilotus officinalis
37.033 Coleophora trifolii