15.046 .... B&F 0326
Phyllonorycter blancardella (Fabricius, 1781)
Status .....Most common at sites in the Mansfield and Sherwood Forest areas of Nottinghamshire, but very probably much more widespread throughout the county.
Adult, photographed near Eakring Flash April 2003
Leaf mine on Apple, photographed at Netherfield Lagoons July 2020
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Phyllonorycter blancardella
The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - Trevor and Dilys Pendleton. Jerry Clough. Richard Rogers. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. Tim Sexton. Martin Gray.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2024

copyright © Trevor and Dilys Pendleton (www.eakringbirds.com) . .
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