Light-trapping details and summaries
Eakring August-September 2008
All light-trapping carried out with a portable 125W MV light/Skinner trap
New species/personal first for the area is indicated by *
Species listed in dark grey refer to migrants
September 16th ... Lound Wood
Summary : Overcast and mild . A catch of 52 moths of 16 species in 1h 25m trapping time (20:20- 21-45h) Temperature 13-11C.
August 29th ... Lound Wood
Summary : Overcast and warm . A catch of 334 moths of 53 species in 2h 30m trapping time (21:20- 23-50h) Temperature 18-17C.
2107 Large Yellow Underwing 68
2134 Square-spot Rustic 51
2126 Setaceous Hebrew Character 27
0969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix 27
2474 Straw Dot 21
2306 Angle Shades 17
0873 Blastodacna lignea 13
2102 Flame Shoulder 9
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing 8
2297 Copper Underwing 7
1776 Green Carpet 6
2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 5
0460 Ypsolopha parenthesella 5
2269 Centre-barred Sallow 4
1937 Willow Beauty 3
1906 Brimstone Moth 3
2343 Common Rustic 3
2199 Common Wainscot 2
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 2
1768 Grey Pine Carpet 2
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart 2
1738 Common Carpet 2
1133 Epinotia bilunana 2
0411 Argyresthia goedartella 2
1021 Cnephasia asseclana 2
1742 Yellow Shell 1
2145 Nutmeg 1
1862 Double-striped Pug 1
1839 Bordered Pug 1
1838 Tawny Speckled Pug 1
1738 Common Carpet 1
2477 Snout 1
2441 Silver Y 1
2232 Black Rustic 1
1708 Single-dotted Wave 1
1304 Agriphila straminella 1
1292 Calamotropha paludella 1
0695 Agonopterix alstromeriana 1
1038 Acleris laterana 1
1083 Marbled Orchard Tortrix 1
1309 Agriphila geniculea 1
1205 Spilonota occelana 1
1219 Lathronympha strigana 1
0281 Caloptilia populetorum 1
0287 Caloptilia robustella 1
0937 Agapeta hamana 1
1305 Agriphila tristella 1
0648 White-shouldered House Moth 1
1113 Eudemis profundana 1
0998 Light Brown Apple Moth 1
0420 Argyresthia pruniella 1
0688 Agonopterix heracliana 1
August 24th ... Lound Wood
Summary : Clear, fairly mild and slight breeze. A catch of 81 moths of 24 species in 1h 30m trapping time (21:00- 22-30h) Temperature 13-11C.
August 15th ... Red hill
Summary : Overcast and mild. A catch of 237 moths of 44 species in 2h 00m trapping time (21:20- 23-20h) Temperature 14-12C.
2107 Large Yellow Underwing 51
1304 Agriphila straminella 19
2474 Straw Dot 15
1305 Agriphila tristella 13
0873 Blastodacna lignea 13
1331 Water Veneer 13
2102 Flame Shoulder 11
2134 Square-spot Rustic 11
2126 Setaceous Hebrew Character 9
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 8
2133 Six-striped Rustic 7
2343 Common Rustic 6
2306 Angle Shades 5
1388 Udea lutealis 5
1439 Trachycera advenella 5
1825 Lime-speck Pug 3
0464 Diamond-back Moth 3
1937 Willow Beauty 2
1713 Riband Wave 2
0998 Light Brown Apple Moth 2
0972 Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix 2
1405 Mother of Pearl 2
1020 Cnephasia stephensiana 2
0227 Monopis laevigella 2
2299 Mouse Moth 1
2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 1
2198 Smoky Wainscot 1
1651 Chinese Character 1
2341 Cloaked Minor 1
1742 Yellow Shell 1
1906 Brimstone Moth 1
1725 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 1
2091 Dark Sword-grass 1
2439 Gold Spot 1
2297 Copper Underwing 1
1708 Single-dotted Wave 1
2123 Small Square-spot 1
1108 Lobesia abscisana 1
1016 Cnephasia longana 1
0977 Large Fruit-tree Tortrix 1
1260 Cydia splendana 1
1205 Spilonota occelana 1
0819 Scrobipalpa costella 1
August 10th ... Lound Wood
Summary : Partly overcast and mild with a light breeze. A catch of 322 moths of 50 species in 2h 00m trapping time (21:30- 23-30h) Temperature 15-13C.
0969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix 86
0873 Blastodacna lignea 57
1405 Mother of Pearl 18
1020 Cnephasia stephensiana 17
2107 Large Yellow Underwing 16
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 12
1021 Cnephasia asseclana 11
1260 Cydia splendana 7
1030 Eana incanana 7
2318 Dun-bar 7
1205 Spilonota occelana 7
2049 Buff Footman 5
1424 Endotricha flammealis 5
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing 4
0640 Batia lunaris 4
1038 Acleris laterana 4
2030 Yellow-tail 3
2343 Common Rustic 3
1713 Riband Wave 3
2102 Flame Shoulder 3
2033 Black Arches 3
1439 Trachycera advenella 3
1304 Agriphila straminella 3
1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella 3
2477 Snout 2
1937 Willow Beauty 2
1437 Acrobasis consociella 2
2297 Copper Underwing 2
1093 Apotomis betuletana 2
1726 Large Twin-spot Carpet 1
2133 Six-striped Rustic 1
1702 Small Fan-footed Wave 1
1777 July Highflyer 1
1803 Small Rivulet 1
2474 Straw Dot 1
2091 Dark Sword-grass 1
1725 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 1
1388 Udea lutealis 1
0762 Athrips mouffetella 1
0870 Oegoconia quadripuncta 1
1207 Clavigesta purdeyi 1
1133 Epinotia bilunana 1
0287 Caloptilia robustella 1
1470 Euzophera pinguis 1
0460 Ypsolopha parenthesella 1
1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 1
0227 Monopis laevigella 1
0688 Agonopterix heracliana 1
1390 Udea prunalis 1
0658 Carcina quercana 1
August 8th ... Lound Wood
Summary : Lightly overcast and mild. A catch of 299 moths of 73 species in 2h 00m trapping time (21:35- 23-55h) Temperature 15-13C.
1304 Agriphila straminella 57
2107 Large Yellow Underwing 42
1713 Riband Wave 18
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing 15
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 14
2343 Common Rustic 10
2318 Dun-bar 9
0969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix 9
1439 Trachycera advenella 7
1738 Common Carpet 6
1021 Cnephasia asseclana 6
1759 Small Phoenix 5
2474 Straw Dot 5
1937 Willow Beauty 5
2102 Flame Shoulder 5
2030 Yellow-tail 5
1260 Cydia splendana 5
2049 Buff Footman 4
2047 Scarce Footman 4
1884 Magpie 4
2126 Setaceous Hebrew Character 4
1305 Agriphila tristella 4
1424 Endotricha flammealis 4
1405 Mother of Pearl 4
2299 Mouse Moth 3
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart 3
1690 Small Blood-vein 3
1742 Yellow Shell 3
1205 Spilonota occelana 3
2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 2
2341 Cloaked Minor 2
2441 Silver Y 2
2342 Rosy Minor 2
2134 Square-spot Rustic 2
1906 Brimstone Moth 2
2044 Dingy Footman 2
1808 Sandy Carpet 2
1917 Early Thorn 2
2321 Dark Arches 2
1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella 2
0227 Monopis laevigella 2
0873 Blastodacna lignea 2
1388 Udea lutealis 2
1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 2
1020 Cnephasia stephensiana 2
1777 July Highflyer 1
1702 Small Fan-footed Wave 1
2306 Angle Shades 1
1839 Bordered Pug 1
2145 Nutmeg 1
2006 Lesser Swallow Prominent 1
0227 Monopis laevigella 1
0449 Prays fraxinella 1
1030 Eana incanana 1
0972 Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix 1
1016 Cnephasia longana 1
1413 Gold Triangle 1
1113 Eudemis profundana 1
0938 Agapeta zoegana * 1
1452 Phycita roborella 1
0424 Bird-cherry Ermine 1
0419 Argyresthia semifuscella 1
0868 Helcrystogramma rufescens 1
0438 Swammerdamia pyrella 1
0461 Ypsolopha parenthesella 1
August 6th ... Red Hill
Summary : Overcast some light rain and warm. A catch of 975 moths of 98 species in 3h 00m trapping time (21:45- 01-45h) Temperature 19-15C.
2107 Large Yellow Underwing 205
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing 180
1304 Agriphila straminella 75
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 65
2343 Common Rustic 58
0873 Blastodacna lignea 35
1305 Agriphila tristella 28
1439 Trachycera advenella 21
1331 Water Veneer 17
2064 Ruby Tiger 15
2321 Dark Arches 12
1405 Mother of Pearl 12
2198 Smoky Wainscot 10
2102 Flame Shoulder 9
1702 Small Fan-footed Wave 6
2299 Mouse Moth 6
1738 Common Carpet 6
2474 Straw Dot 6
2112 Least Yellow Underwing 6
0937 Agapeta hamana 6
1708 Single-dotted Wave 5
2133 Six-striped Rustic 5
1906 Brimstone Moth 5
1725 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 5
2339 Tawny Marbled Minor 5
2047 Scarce Footman 5
1883 Yellow-barred Brindle 5
1260 Cydia splendana 5
0868 Helcrystogramma rufescens 5
1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella 5
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart 4
1742 Yellow Shell 4
2341 Cloaked Minor 4
2306 Angle Shades 4
1777 July Highflyer 4
2439 Gold Spot 4
1646 Oak Hook-tip 4
1316 Catoptria falsella 4
1205 Spilonota occelana 4
0424 Bird-cherry Ermine 4
1424 Endotricha flammealis 4
2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 3
1759 Small Phoenix 3
2352 Dusky Sallow 3
2318 Dun-bar 3
2134 Square-spot Rustic 3
2342 Rosy Minor 3
1883 Yellow-barred Brindle * 3
1825 Lime-speck Pug 3
1713 Riband Wave 3
1437 Acrobasis consociella 3
1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 3
1388 Udea lutealis 3
0464 Diamond-back Moth 3
1063 Celypha striana 3
1016 Cnephasia longana 3
0455 Ypsolopha scabrella 3
2000 Iron Prominent 2
1884 Magpie 2
2338 Rufous Minor 2
1803 Small Rivulet 2
1917 Early Thorn 2
2293 Marbled Beauty 2
2003 Pebble Prominent 2
1020 Cnephasia stephensiana 2
0972 Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix 2
1021 Cnephasia asseclana 2
0640 Batia lunaris 2
0969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix 2
0688 Agonopterix heracliana 2
1726 Large Twin-spot Carpet 1
1834 Common Pug 1
0161 Leopard Moth 1
1978 Pine Hawk-moth 1
2381 Uncertain 1
2353 Flounced Rustic 1
1648 Pebble Hook-tip 1
2031 White Satin 1
1839 Bordered Pug 1
1682 Blood-vein 1
2441 Silver Y 1
2205 Shoulder-striped Wainscot 1
2091 Dark Sword-grass 1
1894 Latticed Heath 1
2289 Knot Grass 1
1832 Currant Pug 1
1344 Eudonia mercurella 1
1202 Eucosma obumbratana 1
1413 Gold Triangle 1
1470 Euzophera pinguis 1
0287 Caloptilia robustella 1
1378 Phylctaenia coronata 1
0695 Agonopterix alstromeriana 1
0411 Argyresthia goedartella 1
1390 Udea prunalis 1
1292 Calamotropha paludella 1
0119 Opostega salaciella 1
0874 Blastobasis lacticolella 1
1313 Catoptria pinella * 1
August 5th ... Lound Wood
Summary : Overcast warm, and breezy.A catch of 316 moths of 72 species in 2h 40m trapping time (21:50- 00-30h) Temperature 19-15C.
2107 Large Yellow Underwing 30
1304 Agriphila straminella 30
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing 25
0969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix 19
1260 Cydia splendana 17
2318 Dun-bar 15
1405 Mother of Pearl 14
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 11
0873 Blastodacna lignea 11
1205 Spilonota occelana 9
2343 Common Rustic 8
2049 Buff Footman 8
1331 Water Veneer 7
1937 Willow Beauty 5
1439 Trachycera advenella 5
1702 Small Fan-footed Wave 4
1906 Brimstone Moth 4
1424 Endotricha flammealis 4
1138 Epinotia nisella 4
1030 Eana incanana 4
1016 Cnephasia longana 4
1777 July Highflyer 3
2198 Smoky Wainscot 3
1917 Early Thorn 3
1021 Cnephasia asseclana 3
1020 Cnephasia stephensiana 3
1038 Acleris laterana 3
1738 Common Carpet 2
1884 Magpie 2
2000 Iron Prominent 2
2321 Dark Arches 2
1713 Riband Wave 2
2102 Flame Shoulder 2
2341 Cloaked Minor 2
1452 Phycita roborella 2
0420 Argyresthia pruniella 2
1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 2
0658 Carcina quercana 2
1293 Chrysoteuchia culmella 2
0937 Agapeta hamana 2
0438 Swammerdamia pyrella 2
1168 Gypsonoma sociana 2
2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 1
2030 Yellow-tail 1
2477 Snout 1
2050 Common Footman 1
1726 Large Twin-spot Carpet 1
1997 Sallow Kitten 1
2338 Rufous Minor 1
1708 Single-dotted Wave 1
1690 Small Blood-vein 1
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart 1
1838 Tawny Speckled Pug 1
2047 Scarce Footman 1
2006 Lesser Swallow Prominent 1
1725 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 1
2284 Grey Dagger 1
1183 Epiblema foenella 1
1316 Catoptria falsella 1
1413 Gold Triangle 1
1037 Acleris holmiana 1
1305 Agriphila tristella 1
0460 Ypsolopha parenthesella 1
0868 Helcrystogramma rufescens 1
1062 Acleris emargana 1
1388 Udea lutealis 1
0424 Bird-cherry Ermine 1
0464 Diamond-back Moth 1
1437 Acrobasis consociella 1
0287 Caloptilia robustella 1
1302 Crambus perlella 1
0449 Ash Bud Moth 1
August 2nd ... Eakring Flash
Summary : Clear and mild, but breezy, A catch of 57 moths of 15 species in 1h 10m trapping time (21:50- 23-00h) Temperature 16-13C.
August 1st ... Lound Wood
Summary : Clear and mild, but quite breezy. A catch of 440 moths of 72 species in 2h 30m trapping time (21:45- 00-15h) Temperature 17-14C. Small Rufous was an unexpected list addition.
2107 Large Yellow Underwing 34
1424 Endotricha flammealis 30
1702 Small Fan-footed Wave 27
1030 Eana incanana 27
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing 24
2049 Buff Footman 24
1713 Riband Wave 23
2318 Dun-bar 22
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 21
1260 Cydia splendana 20
2030 Yellow-tail 15
1205 Spilonota occelana 15
1304 Agriphila straminella 11
1405 Mother of Pearl 10
1021 Cnephasia asseclana 8
2033 Black Arches 7
2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 6
1390 Udea prunalis 6
0658 Carcina quercana 6
1211 Rhyacionia pinicolana 5
2050 Common Footman 4
1906 Brimstone Moth 4
1937 Willow Beauty 4
1777 July Highflyer 4
1344 Eudonia mercurella 4
2477 Snout 3
1917 Early Thorn 3
1941 Mottled Beauty 3
2343 Common Rustic 3
2102 Flame Shoulder 3
1439 Trachycera advenella 3
0969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix 3
0642 Batia unitella 3
0287 Caloptilia robustella 3
1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 3
1010 Red-barred Tortrix 3
1726 Large Twin-spot Carpet 2
1725 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 2
2284 Grey Dagger 2
0490 Coleophora lutipenella 2
0970 Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix 2
0762 Athrips mouffetella 2
0873 Blastodacna lignea 2
0819 Scrobipalpa costella 2
1331 Water Veneer 2
1851 Golden-rod Pug 2
1981 Poplar Hawk-moth 1
2128 Double Square-spot 1
2489 Fan-foot 1
2122 Purple Clay 1
2198 Smoky Wainscot 1
2064 Ruby Tiger 1
1931 Peppered Moth 1
2321 Dark Arches 1
1759 Small Phoenix 1
1648 Pebble Hook-tip 1
2297 Copper Underwing 1
1803 Small Rivulet 1
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart 1
2047 Scarce Footman 1
2160 Bright-line Brown-eye 1
2293 Marbled Beauty 1
2353 Flounced Rustic 1
2379 Small Rufous * 1
1851 Golden-rod Pug 1
1728 Garden Carpet 1
0424 Bird-cherry Ermine 1
1413 Gold Triangle 1
0874 Blastobasis lacticolella 1
0216 Cork Moth 1
0420 Argyresthia pruniella 1
1452 Phycita roborella 1
0453 Honeysuckle Moth 1
Moth trapping results 2008