The number of pages devoted to the moths of Nottinghamshire is pretty huge. All our moth records and trapping results (now over 70 pages) going back to 2003 are published and continue to be published annually and updated on an almost daily basis. We've also produced a summary of our moth records and trapping results each year for 20 years.

Aside from trapping related pages, there are a growing number of pages aimed at helping those new to moths with identification and separation of difficult/similar species, all complete with illustrations and photographs. Once again, there are pages devoted to some families and migrant moths recorded in Nottinghamshire, including our records and summaries of each migrant species recorded in the county and a report on the notable migrant year of 2006.
There's a calendar of leaf mining moths to help those further any interest in micro moths and a beginners guide to moths and moth trapping, including a monthly guide to the moths most frequently encountered.

We also produce and maintain a county species list of those moths recorded from Nottinghamshire. Its as complete as is possible and available in both pdf and Excel file formats, with the Excel list providing species' lists in Taxonomic, ABH and B&F orders.
Light trapping details/accounts and yearly summaries
2024 light-trapping results Up to date moth trapping results
2023 light-trapping results Trapping results from Market Warsop, Eakring and Misson Carr NR (4 pages)
2022 light-trapping results Trapping results from Market Warsop, Eakring and a Worksop garden (6 pages)
2021 light-trapping results Trapping results from a number of well recorded sites (6 pages)
2020 light-trapping results Trapping results from Market Warsop and the Idle Valley NR (8 pages)
2019 light-trapping results Trapping results from Market Warsop and the Idle Valley NR 2019 (6 pages)
2018 light-trapping results 2018 trapping results from Market Warsop and the Idle Valley NR (7 pages)
2017 light-trapping results Trapping results from 2017 (3 pages)
2016 light-trapping results Trapping results from 2016 (3 pages)
2015 light-trapping results Trapping results from 2015 (7 pages)
2014 light-trapping results Trapping results from 2014 (5 pages)
2013 light-trapping results Trapping results from several Nottinghamshire sites in 2013 (3 pages)
2012 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring and Sherwood Forest in 2012 (3 pages)
2011 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring and Sherwood Forest in 2011 (5 pages)
2010 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring and Sherwood Forest in 2010 (5 pages)
2009 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring and Sherwood Forest in 2009 (4 pages)
2008 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring and Sherwood Forest in 2008 (5 pages)
2007 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring during 2007 (5 pages)
2006 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring during 2006 (2 pages)
2005 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring during 2005 (2 pages)
2004 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring during 2004 (3 pages)
2003 light-trapping results Trapping results from Eakring during 2003
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2021 Moth related news, stories and personal moth records from 2021
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2020 Moth related news and records from 2020 (no review)
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2019 Our moth records from 2019 (no review)
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2018 A review of our moth records and trapping results from 2018
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2017 A review of our moth records and trapping results from 2017
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2016 A review of our moth records and trapping results from 2016
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2015 A review of our moth records and trapping results from 2015
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2014 A review of our moth records from 2014
Nottinghamshire Moth Summary 2013 A review of our moth records from 2013
Sherwood Forest Moth Summary 2012 Review of Sherwood Forest moths in 2012
Sherwood Forest Moth Summary 2011 Review of Sherwood Forest moths in 2011
Sherwood Forest Moth Summary 2010 Review of Sherwood Forest moths in 2010
Sherwood Forest Moth Summary 2009 Review of Sherwood Forest moths in 2009
Eakring Moth Summary 2012 Short review of Eakring moths in 2012
Eakring Moth Summary 2011 Short review of Eakring moths in 2011
Eakring Moth Summary 2010 Review of Eakring moths in 2010
Eakring Moth Summary 2009 Review of Eakring moths in 2009
Eakring Moth Summary 2008 Review of Eakring moths in 2008
Eakring Moth Summary 2007 Review of Eakring moths in 2007
Eakring Moth Summary 2006 Review of Eakring moths in 2006
Eakring Moth Summary 2005 Review of Eakring moths in 2005
Eakring Moth Summary 2004 Review of Eakring moths in 2004
Eakring Moth Summary 2003 Review of Eakring moths in 2003
Eakring Moth Summary 2002 Review of Eakring moths in 2002
Eakring Moth Summary 2001 Review of Eakring moths in 2001
Eakring Moth Summary 2000 Review of Eakring moths in 2000
Eakring moth list Recorded moths found in the Eakring and Kersall area
Market Warsop moth list Recorded moths from our own urban garden
Species accounts/guides
The Sherwood Forest Rothamstead survey results The results from the Rothamstead trap run in the 1980's at Sherwood Forest
The Emperor Moth in Nottinghamshire Recent records of this spectacular Nottinghamshire moth
Clifden Nonpareil - new to Nottinghamshire in 2017 Nottinghamshire's first record of the almost legendary 'Blue Underwing'
Agonopterix moths in Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire species, their range and some ID pointers
Identification help for Water Carpet and Small Phoenix ID help for two common Spring moths
Identification help for Garden and Common Carpets Identification help for two commonly occurring moths
Semioscopis avellanella and S. steinkellneriana identification The separation of two similar early Spring moths
Diurnea fagella - a common identification puzzle The early season moth most often responsible for identification queries
Identifying Riband Wave and Plain Wave ID help separating Riband Wave and Plain Wave
Sallow Moth identification Identifying four colourful Autumn moths
Separating Great Oak Beauty and Pale Oak Beauty ID help in separating Great Oak Beauty and Pale Oak Beauty
Identifying Mottled and Willow Beauty ID help for identifying Mottled Beauty and Willow Beauty
Identifying Single-dotted and Small Fan-footed Wave ID help for two commonly recorded moths
Orthosia (Quaker) moth identification ID help for seven early Spring moths
Spruce, Grey Pine, Pine and Juniper Carpet ID ID help for four difficult moths
Nottinghamshire Hawk-moths ID help and general information about some of our largest moths
Nine difficult Nottinghamshire Scopariinae Photographic guide to the difficult Scopariinae micromoths
Eilema Footman moths in Nottinghamshire ID help for Nottinghamshire's five Eilema Footman moths
Plume moths in Nottinghamshire The Plume moths of Nottinghamshire
Crambinae moths in Nottinghamshire ID help for Nottinghamshire's Grass Veneer moths
Rare and scarce moths of Sherwood Forest Red Data Book and Nationally Notable Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera
Migrant moths in Nottinghamshire Migrant moths and the most recent yearly lists of our own migrant records
Migrant moths in Nottinghamshire 2010-2019 Migrant moths and yearly lists of our own migrant records 2010-2019
Migrant moths in Nottinghamshire 2004-2009 Migrant moths and yearly lists of our own migrant records 2004-2009
Monthly occurrences of migrant moths Our Nottinghamshire migrant moth records since 2004
Yearly occurrences of migrant moths Annual migrant moth occurrences since 2004
Migrant moths at Eakring - September 2006 A review of the migrants occurring at Eakring in September 2006
Yellow Underwing Moth ID Nottinghamshire's Yellow Underwing Moths
Marsh Pug and Phlyctaenia perlucidalis Two rare Nottinghamshire moths at Eakring in 2003
The Horse Chestnut Leaf Miner in Nottinghamshire The discovery of this invasive moth in Nottinghamshire during 2007
Bankesia conspurcatella in VC56 Nottinghamshire The chance finding of a new Psychidae moth from a Nottinghamshire kitchen
Psychidae Moths Guide to some of the most unusual moths and their larvae
Nottinghamshire Clearwing Moths The Clearwing Moths of VC56 Nottinghamshire
Clearwing Moths at Sherwood Forest NNR Records of clearwing moths found at Sherwood Forest NNR
The Pug Moths of Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire's Pug Moths
Four recent Nottinghamshire arrivals The recent arrival and colonisation of four new moths for Nottinghamshire
Recent invertebrate arrivals and colonisers No 4 (larger moths) The 14 larger moths new to Nottinghamshire over the past ten years
Recent invertebrate arrivals and colonisers No 2 (leaf miners) Arrivals and current range of ten leaf mining moths recently new to the county
Leaf-mines An introduction to leafmining moths
A calendar of Nottinghamshire leaf-mining moths When best to search for leafmines in Nottinghamshire
Eriocrania leaf-mines ID help for Nottinghamshire's seven Eriocrania moths
Coleophoridae Case Bearers Coleophoridae moths whose larvae construct elaborate cases
Red Sword-grass Account of one of Nottinghamshire's rarest moths and recent UK records
Nottinghamshire moth lists
Nottinghamshire Moth List - Version 12.2/July 2024 The latest version of the Nottinghamshire county moth list (pdf file)
Assorted moth pages
Constructing an MV moth trap How to build your own moth trap
A beginners guide to moths and moth trapping A beginners guide to various moth-trapping techniques
Four recent Nottinghamshire arrivals The recent arrival and colonisation of four new moths for Nottinghamshire
Puss Moth Life-cycle Photographic diary of the life-cycle of the Puss Moth and it's striking larva
Mother Shipton The discovery of this attractive day-flying moth at Eakring
Creeping Thistle larvae A chance discovery could lead to information new to science if confirmed
pdf publications
Nottinghamshire Moth List - Version 12.2/July 2024
Nottinghamshire Psychidae Moths
Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera species list and records 2020
Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera 2014
Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera 2013
Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera 2012
Sherwood Forest Moths 2011
Sherwood Forest Moths 2010
Sherwood Forest Moths 2009
Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera Species List (Historical)