Eakring Butterfly species list
  The area list now stands at 26 species, after the discoveries of Purple Hairstreak and Essex Skipper during July 2003. Three of the list are migrants butterflies.

Further additions are generally unlikely, but the easily overlooked and inconspicuous Dingy Skipper and Grizzled Skipper could occur in future years.

This species list has changed to incorporate the new scientific species names, numbering system and order of species, as used in the Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles (D. Agassiz, S. Beavan, R. Heckford. 2013).

The old species numbers and numbering system, provided in A Recorder's Log Book or Label List of British Butterflies and Moths (J.D. Bradley and D.S. Fletcher) is no longer used on this list.

57.005 1527 Thymelicus lineola Essex Skipper
57.006 1526 Thymelicus sylvestris Small Skipper
57.009 1531 Ochlodes faunus Large Skipper .... Formerly known as Ochlodes sylvanus
58.003 1553 Anthocharis cardamines Orange Tip
58.006 1549 Pieris brassicae Large White
58.007 1550 Pieris rapae Small White
58.008 1551 Pieris napi Green-veined White
58.010 1545 Colias croceus Clouded Yellow
58.013 1546 Gonepteryx rhamni Brimstone
59.002 1615 Lasiommata megera Wall
59.003 1614 Pararge aegeria Speckled Wood
59.005 1627 Coenonympha pamphilus Small Heath
59.009 1629 Aphantopus hyperantus Ringlet
59.010 1626 Maniola jurtina Meadow Brown
59.011 1625 Pyronia tithonus Gatekeeper
59.023 1590 Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral
59.024 1591 Vanessa cardui Painted Lady
59.026 1597 Aglais io Peacock .... Formerly known as Inachis io
59.027 1593 Aglais urticae Small Tortoiseshell
59.031 1598 Polygonia c-album Comma
61.001 1561 Lycaena phlaeas Small Copper
61.004 1557 Neozephyrus quercus Purple Hairstreak .... Formerly known as Neozephyrus quercus
61.006 1558 Satyrium w-album White-letter Hairstreak
61.012 1580 Celastrina argiolus Holly Blue
61.015 1572 Aricia agestis Brown Argus
61.018 1574 Polyommatus icarus Common Blue
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