Recent pdf. file downloads and publications
There is a huge selection of pdf files available, written and compiled by Dilys and myself over many years. All are available as free downloads and include a number of regularly updated county atlases and species lists never published before. We have often specialised in those traditionally more neglected orders, producing lists and atlases for Nottinghamshire's Myriapoda, Isopoda, Arachnida, Pseudoscorpions, Opiliones and others.

County lists for Neuroptera (Lacewings) and Trichoptera (Caddisflies) are available via the contents page of the website, but not yet available as pdf files.
Nottinghamshire Moth List .... Version 12.2/July 2024

Version 12.2/July 2024 of the Nottinghamshire moth list, incorporates the addition of those species recorded as new (or believed new) to Nottinghamshire up to July 19th 2024.

The list includes those additions from 2023 and the most recent from 2024 including both Perritia obscurepunctella, Pammene albuginana, Depressaria daucella, Scrobipalpa nitentella and Orange-tailed Clearwing.

In keeping with all previous species lists on, the list continues to remain as up to date as possible and is believed accurate and in line with those lists currently held by the respective county recorders.

As usual, this version replaces all previous versions of this list.

Published July 19th 2024

A modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Harvestmen 2023
      This 2023 edition of our Atlas of Nottinghamshire Harvestmen, has been thoroughly revised to incorporate the records, distribution maps and one new species over the past eight years.

This edition broadly follows the same format used in our other 'Atlas' publications, providing up to date distribution maps, re-written species accounts and many new photographs of all but two species recorded from Nottinghamshire.

Published January 2023

A history and modern Atlas of Pseudoscorpions in VC56 Nottinghamshire (2023 edition)
      Pseudoscorpions (more commonly known as False Scorpions) represent one of the most under-recorded and infrequently studied of all our invertebrates. Many naturalists have never seen one, despite the fact that several species are described as being common and finding good, reliable information about the UK's species on the internet, is still disappointingly difficult.

This publication, brings all Nottinghamshire's post-1950 Pseudoscorpion records together into a single document and aims to produce an accurate picture of their current distribution in VC56 as of January 2023, including updated distribution maps, new species and listing all the known county records.

Published January 2023

An Atlas of Nottinghamshire Ladybirds 2023 edition

Ladybirds include some of our most popular and easily recognised beetles and this 2023 edition of the Atlas of Nottinghamshire Ladybirds, produces up to date distribution maps and summaries for all those species recorded in the county and includes a number of species recorded new to the county in those intervening years.

Published January 2023

A Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Woodlice - Fourth revision ...   January 2023

The fourth revision of our Atlas of Nottinghamshire Woodlice is now available to download as a pdf file. This revision again sees the species accounts completely re-written and updated, along with the very latest (December 2022) distribution maps for each species.

Published January 2023

A Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Millpedes - Fourth revision ... December 2022
      The fourth edition of our Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Millipedes is now available to download as a pdf file.

New species continue to be added and this latest edition (the first for nearly five years) sees an updated review of the species accounts and the latest up to date (December 2022) distribution maps for each species.

Published December 2022

A Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Centipedes - Fourth revision ... December 2022
      This is the fourth revision of 'a modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Centipedes' and the first since 2018. This edition includes updates to the species accounts and distribution maps, which are now correct, as of December 2022.

Published December 2022

Nottinghamshire Moth List .... Version 10.4/October 2022

Version 10.4/October 2022 of the Nottinghamshire moth list, incorporates the addition of those species recorded as new (or believed new) to Nottinghamshire to September 30th 2022. In keeping with all previous species lists on, the list continues to remain as up to date as possible and at any time (information forthcoming) should always be considered to be current.

The macro list is completely up to date and in line with that held by the county recorder, while the micro list is not confirmed, but is strongly believed to be accurate. Records thought to be of rather dubious origins and identifications have hopefully been removed in this latest version.

This version replaces all other versions and as usual, includes the new scientific species names, numbering systems and orders of species, as used in the 'Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles' (D. Agassiz, S. Beavan, R. Heckford. 2013). The old Bradley and Fletcher numbers are still provided.

Published October 1st 2022

Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera 2022 (includes butterflies)   
      The last planned update to this particular Sherwood Forest species list and I do not anticipate any further editions of any of the lists Dilys and I produced in the future.

This updated list is identical to that produced in August 2020, but does include all the Sherwood Forest butterfly records to 2021 and the most recent records (to July 2022) of three important species now confirmed as breeding within the Sherwood Forest NNR - namely Purple Emperor, Silver-washed Fritillary and Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth.

Published July 2022

The status of the hazel pot beetle Cryptocephalus coryli at Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 066.

BINDING, A.E., BINDING, A., PENDLETON, T., PENDLETON, D. & CLIFTON, S.J. 2011. The status of the hazel pot beetle Cryptocephalus coryli at Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 066.

A link to the Natural England commissioned report from 2011, in which Dilys and I were down as co-authors, following our involvement with the surveys of Allan and Annette Binding back in 2009.

The disappointing aspect, which still niggles to this very day, is the obvious lack of notice taken by site management, whether it be Natural England, Nottinghamshire County Council or the RSPB, in their complete disregard towards recommendations contained within the report, for maintaining habitat suitable for Cryptocephalus coryli. It hardly does much for encouragement and you have to wonder what the point is of any report, if recommendations are ignored.

Published February 23rd 2011

Sherwood Forest Invertebrate Directory 2021  

Updated for the first time in seven years, this latest (and probably last) edition of the Sherwood Forest Invertebrate Directory, brings together the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve's invertebrate records from the 1800's to 2020.

It features the reserve's Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Hempitera, Diptera and Arachnida records up to the end of 2020 and for the first time includes the site's Myriapod and Isopod records.

This is a large file, consisting of approximately 462 pages, but it's another unique publication which has taken months to prepare and update.

Published October 28th 2021

Sherwood Forest Myriapoda and Isopoda 2020  

This is a brand new publication, collated and produced for the first time in October 2021, bringing together the known records of these traditionally very poorly studied Orders.

It features all the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve's Centipede, Millipede and Woodlice records up to the end of 2020.

Published October 26th 2021

Sherwood Forest Hymenoptera 2020  

The last of the Sherwood Forest species list updates is published, with the first update to the species list in seven years.

All recent records recieved since the previous update are listed, including all the known/published records for the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve up to the end of 2020. Despite very little recording taking place since the last list was published, the updated list does include a number of new species for the reserve.

New records are included from a variety of sources, namely the Birklands and Bilhaugh SSSI & Birklands West and Ollerton Corner SSSI Saproxylic invertebrate survey, carried out by the Natural England Field Unit of April-October 2018, plus the records of Paul and Helen Brock and John and Denise Bingham from their visit to the forest in 2018. Several new contributors, have their personal records listed for the first time.

Published October 6th 2021

Sherwood Forest Diptera 2020  

Finally available to download, this is the first update of the Sherwood Forest Diptera species list since 2014 and the fourth overall.

All recent records recieved since the previous update are included in this edition, which lists all the known/published records for the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve up to the end of 2020. The list does include a number of new species for the reserve and many 'first' records in over a century of recording.

New records are included from a variety of sources, namely the Birklands and Bilhaugh SSSI & Birklands West and Ollerton Corner SSSI Saproxylic invertebrate survey, carried out by the Natural England Field Unit of April-October 2018, plus the records of Paul and Helen Brock and John and Denise Bingham from their visit to the forest in 2018.

Published September 8th 2021

A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Curculionoidea Version 4.0/April 2021
      An update to our original publication aimed at providing a working checklist to all known Weevils recorded from Nottinghamshire (VC56).

The list continues to be based on the records of a range of local recorders and organisations and d
ata extracted from the National Recording Scheme for Coleoptera: Curculionoidea. A further three new species have been added to the county list since the last version published back in August 2020 and more look set to be added, thanks to the continued recording work of several recorders

Published April 2021

Sherwood Forest Hemiptera 2020  
      The latest updated Sherwood Forest species list, Sherwood Forest Hemiptera 2020 sees the addition of a number new species, recorded for the first time during the previous update of this list some six years ago.

Some historical records, with no recorder, site or even year of occurrence which were originally taken from J.W. Carr's book, have been removed from this edition to 'clean' the species list up. As with all other recent updates in this series, this version of Sherwood Forest Hemiptera 2020 now includes the authors name for each species.

Published September 2020

A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Curculionoidea Version 3.0/August 2020
      An update to our original publication aimed at providing a working checklist to all known Weevils recorded from Nottinghamshire (VC56).

The list continues to be based on the records of a range of local recorders and organisations and d
ata extracted from the National Recording Scheme for Coleoptera: Curculionoidea. A total of eight new species have been added to the county list since the original publication back in 2018 and more look set to be added, thanks to the continued recording work of several recorders

Published August 2020

Sherwood Forest Coleoptera 2020  
      This latest, updated version of the Sherwood Forest Coleoptera species lists, sees the addition of numerous new species which have been recorded from the Sherwood Forest NNR for the first time during the past six years.

Species are included from a variety of sources, namely the Birklands and Bilhaugh SSSI & Birklands West and Ollerton Corner SSSI, Nottinghamshire Saproxylic invertebrate survey, carried out by the Natural England Field Unit, from April-October 2018, which also includes the records of Paul and Helen Brock and John and Denise Bingham from their visit to the forest in 2018.

This version also now includes the authors name for each species.

Published August 2020

Sherwood Forest Arachnida 2020  
      The second of a series of updates to our various Sherwood Forest species lists. These updates are expected to be the last for the forseeable future and are the first for over six years.

This updated Sherwood Forest Arachnid list includes all the Spider, Harvestman (Opiliones) and False Scorpion (Pseudoscorpions) records we have for the Sherwood Forest NNR. A number of recent taxonomic changes that have taken place over the past few years are incorporated into the list and as part of this update, the authors names are now listed for each species.

Published August 2020

Sherwood Forest Lepidoptera 2020  
      The first of a series of updates to our various Sherwood Forest species lists. These updates are expected to be the last, due to extra workload and time constraints.

This updated list includes all recent taxonomic name changes, following the order used in the 'Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles' (D. Agassiz, S. Beavan, R. Heckford. 2013). The authors names are now listed for each species. Butterflies have been ommited from this version of the list.

There are a number of new species which have been recorded new to the Sherwood Forest NNR since our last update to this Lepidoptera list back in 2013/14, despite a reduction in recording effort following our cesation of trapping there a number of years ago and that of several other regular recorders.

Published August 2020

A Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Woodlice - Third revision ... December 2018
      The third revision of our Atlas of Nottinghamshire Woodlice is now available to download as a pdf file.

This revision again sees the species accounts completely re-written and updated, along with the very latest (November 2018) distribution maps for each species. All 18 species known from Nottinghamshire are illustrated and both Cylisticus convexus and Trichoniscus pygmaeus are included in the atlas for the first time.

Published December 2018

A working checklist of Nottinghamshire Spiders .... Version 1.0/November 2018
      We believe this to be the first checklist of its type for the county, listing all of the known species of spider recorded from Nottinghamshire. The list is correct up to October 2018 and includes all the latest species recorded new to the county.

Up to date checklists for Harvestmen (Opiliones) and False Scorpions (Pseudoscorpiones) are also included, along with a brief introduction to the recording of spiders in Nottinghamshire.

Published Nov 2018

A Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Centipedes - Third revision ... March 2018
      Our third revision of A modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Centipedes includes a number of updates to most species accounts and distribution maps correct, as of January 2018.

Published March 2018

A Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Millpedes
      The third edition of our Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Millipedes is now available to download as a pdf file.

There has been several new species added in recent years and this edition sees an updated review of some species accounts and the latest up to date (Feb 2018) distribution maps for each species.

Published February 2018

The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Nottinghamshire
      Not a deal seems to have been written on Nottinghamshire's Odonata fauna since the late 1990's, so after several requests to provide a more up to date review, we've gathered together our own, and the many records we have been sent, in an attempt to provide a reasonably accurate assessment online.

This pdf looks at the status of the county's 27 known species of Dragonfly and Damselfly, with species summaries and distribution maps.

Published February 2018

A history and modern Atlas of Pseudoscorpions in Nottinghamshire (VC56)
      Pseudoscorpions (more commonly known as False Scorpions) represent one of the most under-recorded and infrequently studied of all our invertebrates. Many naturalists have never seen one, despite the fact that several species are described as being common and finding good, reliable information about the UK's 27 known species on the internet, is still disappointingly difficult.

This publication, brings all Nottinghamshire's post-1950 Pseudoscorpion records together into a single document and aims to produce an accurate picture of their current distribution in VC56, including species distribution maps and a 'clean up' of all records listed on the NBN Gateway.

Published January 2016

The current status of Cryptocephalus coryli and other Cryptocephalus Leaf Beetles in Nottinghamshire
      This publication brings together much of what we have researched and written about Cryptocephalus leaf beetles on this website.

After recording, studying and rearing most of Nottinghamshire's seven resident species in captivity for several years, we thought that bringing our findings together into a single pdf document would perhaps be useful for those wishing to undertake further study.

We have also took this opportunity to provide up to date distribution maps for each of the seven Cryptocephalus species presently occurring in VC56.

Published December 2015

The size variation and age ratios found within the larval population of the Glow Worm during Autumn
      This recently published pdf file, documents the results of the research of Martin Dale and ourselves, into the size variation and age ratios within the larval population of the Glow Worm, as part of our Project 2: Phase 2. research of a few years ago.

The text remains the same as found elsewhere on the website, but being published as a pdf file, makes the data and research much easier to access on tablet or smart phone.

Published November 2015

Some notes and observations on the bioluminescence exhibited by the larva of the Glow Worm in captivity
      Originally published on this website back in December 2012, this publication is a simple conversion from web page to pdf file, documenting the results of our research determining the various aspects of bioluminescent activity in larvae of the Glow Worm (Lampyris noctiluca) in captivity. Project 1: Phase 1. 2012 was conducted by Trevor and Dilys Pendleton and Martin Dale.

Published November 2015

A modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Harvestmen
      This modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Harvestmen, broadly follows the same format as used in our other 'A modern Atlas of ' publications.

Its aim is to provide an up to date and accurate modern day Atlas of species, including short accounts on range, distribution and habitat of Nottinghamshire's Opilione (Harvestmen) fauna.

Published October 2015

An Atlas of Nottinghamshire Ladybirds
      Ladybirds include some of our most popular and easily recognised beetles.

Their often bright colouration also makes them favourites will both adults and children alike, so many common species quickly become familiar to people from a very early age. As a consequence, they are often well recorded and our knowledge of Ladybird distribution in Nottinghamshire, is extremely good compared to the majority of beetles.

This Atlas of Nottinghamshire Ladybirds produces up to date distribution maps of all the Coccinellidae (Ladybirds) recorded in the county over recent years. No Atlas can ever be complete, but this work is as comprehensive as is possible for us to do at the present time.

Originally published January 2015 - Amended November 2015

The current status and distribution of Nottinghamshire Longhorn Beetles
      The Cerambycidae represent some of Nottinghamshire's most impressive beetles. Commonly known as Longhorn Beetles, there are nearly 70 known UK species, including some accidental imports.

This Atlas attempts to produce up to date distribution maps of all the Longhorn beetles recorded in the county over recent years, but does list all the species we can trace as having been recorded in the county.

Published January 2015

The current status and distribution of Psychidae Moths in Nottinghamshire
      This second revision of our original 2008 survey results of Nottinghamshire's under recorded Psychidae moths, provides a thorough update on their current county status.

There are new distribution maps for all eight known species which occur in Nottinghamshire, plus additional photographs.

Since the 2008 edition, three more species have been added to the county list and there are results from each of the 80 sites surveyed.

Published January 2015

All pdf. file downloads and publications