73.294 .... B&F 2197
Southern Wainscot Mythimna straminea (Treitschke, 1825)  
Status .....Recorded widely over much of the northern-half of Nottinghamshire. There may be a certain amount of under-recording, in view of its relative similarity to a number of other species, but it is slightly larger than Common and Smoky Wainscot and can be identified by the striped 'collar' at the back of the head (see lower photograph).
Photographed at Misson Carr, July 2023
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Southern Wainscot  
                The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2014). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2008). Lound Moth Group. Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2009). Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2010). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2011). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2012). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2013). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2014). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2015). Graham and Anona Finch. Martin Gray. Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2016). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2017). Tom Shields. Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2018). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2019). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2020). Trevor and Dilys Pendleton. Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2021). Sheila Wright (Nottinghamshire macro moth report 2022). J.T. Radford. Martin Kennewell. Neil Pinder.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2025

copyright © Trevor and Dilys Pendleton (www.eakringbirds.com) . .
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