Eakring Birds
Breeding species maps
Sky Lark .... Available maps - 1998, 2002, 2004 and 2008
Since 1998 the Sky Lark has done extremely well since the initial breeding bird surveys were carried out in 1998. Survey findings over the next seven years showed Sky Larks increased from just ten breeding pairs in 1998, to a maximum of 39 pairs in 2005. This equated to an average of 4.875 pairs per square km if the area's population was evenly spread across the area. Yet despite it's great increase, there are still large sections of the recording area, which fail to support any breeding birds.

In 1998, breeding Sky Larks were found chiefly to the west of Eakring Flash, in the Church Hill area, with single pairs at Eakring Field Farm and Park Farm. During the intervening period until the 2005 survey, nesting Sky Larks continued to spread out in all directions from the original survey plots. The spread continued east of Eakring, roughly following the southern boundary of the recording area at Church Hill and through to Eakring Field Farm. Land south of Kersall has remained sparsely populated, despite permanent set-aside being created several years ago.

Breeding territories 1998
Breeding territories 2002
Breeding territories 2004
Breeding territories 2008
Breeding species maps index