Eakring Birds
Breeding species maps
Marsh Tit and Willow Tit .... Available maps - 1998, 2004, 2007 and 2008...........Marsh Tit (blue) ...WillowTit (red)
A population of just two Marsh Tit pairs bred in 1998, but only one pair bred at Hare Hill Wood in 1999. Two pairs were located during 2002, but Marsh Tit remained a very rare breeding bird until 2007 when three pairs bred at High Trees, Lound Wood and Hare Hill Wood.

Willow Tit was found to be only slightly more common than Marsh Tit, with three pairs at Lound Wood, Hare Hill Wood and the Oil Bore Holes site at Eakring village during 1998, dropping to just one pair in 1999. There was only the slightest increase throughout the rest of the period. In 2007, pairs were at Lound Wood, High Trees and Hare Hill Wood.

Breeding territories 1998
Breeding territories 2004
Breeding territories 2007
Breeding territories 2008
Breeding species maps index