Eakring Birds
Breeding species maps
Grasshopper Warbler.... Available maps - 1998, 2004, 2007 and 2008...........
Breeding was first proved here in 2003 and one or two have been bred more or less annually since then, reaching a maximum count of three pairs in 2004. Breeding birds have usually remained in the area until around late June and early July and males which arrived in April, have started to sing occasionally again in July.

Completely new birds have turned up in mid-July and then held territory for a few days at previously unoccupied sites well away from Eakring Flash, but a very late male once arrived at Eakring Flash on June 22nd 2004 and sang till August 5th.

Breeding territories 1998
Breeding territories 2004
Breeding territories 2007
Breeding territories 2008
Breeding species maps index