Donacia clavipes (Fabricius, 1792) 
This is a rare Donacia in Nottinghamshire, with modern VC56 records from Holme Pierrepont in 2011 and Shelford in 2014 (Adrian Dutton) at Attenborough NR in 2014 (Bob Merritt) and again from Holme Pierrepont in 2024. It should perhaps turn up at other Trent Valley sites, but sometimes, getting close enough to sample particular areas for Donacias without getting wet, can prove difficult. The one below, was found on the flowers of Hemlock Water Dropwort Oenanthe crocata, growing in profusion along the rowing course at Holme Pierrepont.
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Donacia clavipes     
The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - Bob Merritt. Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. Adrian Dutton. Tim Sexton. Trevor and Dilys Pendleton.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2025

copyright © Trevor and Dilys Pendleton ( . .
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