A spider
of southern counties of the UK and with no traceable records from
adjacent counties, this seems to be the first Nottinghamshire record and
the most northerly in the UK to date. There are known records from
Staffordshire and Norfolk. Found at Eakring Meadows in June 2019
(Pendleton, T.A. and Pendleton, D.T.),
the female in the upper four photograophs was swept from grassy,
pondside vegetation. It remained the county's only record for a number
of year, but 2024 has seen records from the former Calverton Colliery
(Brownley, N and Brownley, S.) Bestwood
(Parkin, S.), Mapperley, Gibraltar
Plantation and Clumber Park (Pendleton, T.A.)
and Bevercotes Pit Wood (Brownley, N and Brownley, S.). Obviously, a species
very much on the increase
in Nottinghamshire. |