Phloeotribus rhododactylus (Marsham, 1802) 
At the present time (May 2024) this extremely small beetle measuring between 1.4mm and 1.8mm, has only been recorded on a couple of occasions. Adrian Dutton found it at Gedling CP in May 2014 and it recently turned up in a sweep net sample at Hills and Holes SSSI, Market Warsop (Pendleton, T.) in late April 2024.

Phloeotribus rhododactylus
is typically found close to its host plants, which include both Broom Cytilus scoparius and Gorse Ulex europaeus, the latter being plentiful at Hills and Holes. Very likely to be more widespread, but the very small nature of this beetle, could mean it's mistaken for a seed if the beetle remains inactive.
Nottinghamshire (VC56) distribution of Phloeotribus rhododactylus  
The records for the Nottinghamshire distribution map are currently provided by the following contributors - Adrian Dutton. Trevor and Dilys Pendleton.

You can contribute your own records to help us gain an accurate status of this species in Nottinghamshire. Send an Excel spreadsheet of your records via the 'contact us' link at the top of the homepage.

Updated January 2025

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